Looking for a free music download? Check out Latingo Boss.mp3

Looking for a free music download? Check out Latingo Boss’ high-life mix!

How many times have you wanted to listen to the latest high-life hits and the only place you can find them is on the radio or audio302? If you’re like me, then it’s probably too many times to count! And it’s not just high-life music that we have trouble accessing in Ghana; our favorite American pop songs aren’t always easy to find, either. Well, now you can listen to all your favorite music online anytime, no matter where you are, with Latingo Boss!


As an entrepreneur, I sometimes get really stressed out. To help me unwind and relax from time to time, I listen to some of my favorite tracks. If you’re feeling stressed as well, you should take a few minutes to check out my recent find—Latingo Boss’s latest release on audio302 is nothing short of amazing. This is definitely what I consider high-life music; it’s upbeat, funky, and smooth.

What makes Latingo Boss Unique in ghana?

For those that are not familiar with Latingo Boss, he is from Wa, Ghana, and has been in it for over 6 years now. He started off by focusing on having beats and instrumentals played by DJs. After that, he took to street promotions like handing his CDs out to various street teams in Accra before getting his popular song Corona played on Metro FM and other radio stations.

Latingo Boss Mixed By Saafee
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